22. Planning a Trip with Friends
Hey everyone, I'm thinking about planning a trip to the mountains next month.
Hey everyone, I'm thinking about planning a trip to the mountains next month.
That sounds awesome! When exactly are you planning to go?
I'm looking at the first weekend of June. Does that work for everyone?
June is perfect for me. I love hiking and enjoying nature.
Count me in! What activities do you have in mind?
We can go hiking, have picnics, and maybe even try some camping if we have time.
Camping would be fun, but I'll need to borrow some gear first.
I have extra tents and sleeping bags we can use. No worries!
Great! I'll book a campsite and send out the details later this week.
Awesome. I'll start preparing some snacks and meals for the trip.
I'll take care of the transportation. We can rent a van to make it easier.
Perfect. I'm really excited about this trip. It's going to be a great adventure!
Me too! Thanks for organizing, Lily.
Looking forward to it as well. It's going to be a memorable trip.